New Year’s Resolution

Here’s what’s happened since I last posted:

  • I had COVID. Twenty days in isolation, five of those in the hospital, more than a week on supplemental oxygen,
  • My wife and I sold our interest the Tattered Cover Bookstores. Owning a bookstore had been a dream of ours, but the financial impact of the pandemic did us in.
  • An unhinged megalomaniac incited insurrection in Washington, threatening the very foundation of our democracy.

But that’s a glass half empty view, a 2020 view. Let’s try it again, 2021 style:

  • I had COVID, but it could have been so much worse. I was never in ICU, never on a ventilator, and I had a home in which to be comfortable and a family to care for me.
  • My wife and I found a brilliant pair of young, eager entrepreneurs to not only buy Tattered Cover, but secure its future for years to come. The community gets to retain a cultural icon, our colleagues get to keep their jobs, and while we won’t be retiring anytime soon, we didn’t walk away empty handed.
  • Democracy won out over demagoguery, and in eleven days, some semblance of normalcy will be restored.

So what’s my New Year’s resolution? To always look on the bright side of life. That and to finish all three of the writing projects I have going,

Happy New Year to one and all!


    1. First, tell him I’m flattered. Right now I’m working on two other projects, so a sequel won’t be happening anytime soon. However, I did leave the ending deliberately vague to allow for the possibility, so stay tuned. Thanks for writing!

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